in Work - Features

Game Manager

  • Advanced, intuitive, and polished user interface
  • Current turn—and all previous turns—are saved
  • Games may be imported directly from is down and now owned by another entity

  • Judge Listing and History files can be used to start new games or append turns to an existing game
  • Detailed map and order drawing, with zooming and panning
  • Maps can be exported as PDF, JPEG, PNG, or SVG graphic files
  • Notes and player information may be entered and saved with the game
  • Maps can be printed
  • Maps may have user-selectable choice of unit and map symbols
  • Multiple map styles are available. Switch between maps at any time!
  • Drag-and-Drop support: drag files (.jdip or judge files) to be opened
  • Multiple methods of entering orders (see Order Entry, below)


  • Fully 2000 Rules / DATC version 2.4 compliant. See the Documentation section for more information about compliance.
  • Advanced decision-based adjudication engine
  • The most accurate automated adjudicator available!
  • Uses Szykman rule to break paradoxes that can occur in the 2000 rules
  • Automated testing suite to evaluate adjudicator accuracy and performance
  • Validated with 255 test cases, including all DATC version 2.4 test cases from sections 6 and 8-12. Note that section 7 (Colonial Rules) are not yet supported.
  • High-speed adjudication engine is also well-suited to intense automated adjudication tasks

Variant Support (28 variants supported)

  • Supports the Standard map with 5, 6, or 7 players
  • Complete Support for 25 variants (as well as Standard): 1898, Aberration, Ancient Med, Asia, Britain, Chaos, Crowded, Crowded 1898, Crowded Milan, Fleet Rome, Hundred3.1, Hundred3.2, Imperium, Loeb9, Milan, Modern, Modern Shift, Octarine, Pure, Renaissance, RootZ, Sail Ho!, Sail Ho! Crowded, Shift Around, Shift-Left, Shift-Right, and Youngstown
  • Rules and victory conditions may be adjusted when a game is created
  • Alternate build rules (e.g., build in any supply center) may be specified for any variant
  • Wing unit support. Wing units may be added to any desired variant
  • Convoyable coasts and Ice province types are supported

Multi-Player Support

  • Face-to-Face mode allows “hot-seat” play
  • Orders are kept secret until the turn is resolved

Order Entry

  • Order entry via point-and-click graphical interface or by keyboard
  • Drag-and-drop units to create Move, Support, or Convoy orders
  • Easy input of multiple orders from a Judge or other players at once by cut-and-paste
  • Multi-line order input available for easy entry of orders in postal or email games
  • Legal or, if explicitly enabled, illegal orders may be entered
  • All order entries are undoable
  • Very forgiving text order parser that accepts orders in many commonly-used formats; the following are all equivalent (note that this is not an exhaustive list):
    • France: Army Brest Moves to Gascony
    • France: A bre-gas
    • France: A bre -> gas
    • France: A bre to gas
    • bre moves gas
    • A bre m gas
    • bre-gas
  • Can read Judge history files, creating an entire game with a complete history!
  • Can read Judge listing files, creating a starting position
  • Can read Judge turn (and history) files, adding turns to the currently open game, if the game name matches
  • Coasts may be entered using slashes, hyphens, or in parentheses


  • Persistent Undo/Redo: can undo actions even from a previously saved game.
  • Order entries, Edit mode changes, and Adjudications (order resolutions) are all undoable and redoable
  • Undo allows easy “rewind” of a game to a prior turn, where gameplay may be continued


  • Any phase (movement, retreat, or adjustment) may be edited
  • Add, remove, or change unit positions and supply center ownership
  • All edits are undoable

Multiple Platform Support

  • Runs on any Java 1.4-compatible platform
  • Runs on any Java 1.8-compatible platform
  • Currently runs on Windows, Linux, Mac OS X, and Solaris
  • Data files and saved games are compatible across all platforms


  • All data files and save game files are in XML
  • Custom maps and variants can be created
  • No limits to number of regions or units; large variants can be easily supported
  • Variants with Ice borders, convoyable coasts, and other complex features are supported

Multiple Language Support

  • English fully supported
  • German fully supported
  • Partial Dutch language support
  • Partial French language support